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‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path’
Psalm 119:105

There is nothing more powerful, more life changing than the gospel. When people encounter the reality of Christ through His Word, their lives are completely transformed. We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God which is “the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16). Is there a more precious gift anyone can give? You can ensure that people are exposed to the Word of God by donating to the work of The Gideons International in Australia.


Gifts to the Australian Scripture Fund help to provide:

  • Bibles for hotels and other accommodation places, prisons, medical and allied health waiting rooms.
  • Large print Testaments for hospitals and aged care facilities.
  • Pocket Testaments for secondary and tertiary students, medical, military and emergency service personnel as well as prisoners.

Gifts for this fund are used for the purchase and distribution of Scriptures in Australia. Any surplus goes to overseas Scriptures.


You can also contribute directly to Scriptures for overseas. Of the 200 countries in which The Gideons International operates, only 9 are completely self-sufficient. The other countries depend on assistance from countries like Australia to provide the necessary funds for Bible distribution. In many of these countries, it is unlikely that large parts of the population would ever be able to afford a Bible for themselves.


In any ministry, there is always a need for administration so the work can be organised and supported. You can contribute to the overall ministry of The Gideons International in Australia. This includes communications, financial processing, the production of ministry materials and ministry development. Any surplus funds are also directed towards Scripture distribution.

You can touch lives by giving to the Gideons. if you are interested in ongoing support, please look at the Give & Share page under Get Involved.

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