Prayer Support

Our Number One Need is Prayer

One of the best ways you can help us reach the world with the Word of God is to pray for the work of our Association. More specifically, please be in prayer over the following:

Pray for:

  • A willingness in the Church to submit to the LORD and yield to His leading in witnessing opportunities.
  • Opportunities to share the love of God with people still affected by COVID or those anxious and troubled by these uncertain times.
  • God’s protection on people as they begin to travel more.
  • That Christians will find a way to re-engage and re-connect with their communities and sensitively search for new opportunities for witness and ministry.
  • That the Lord will open doors for the Gideon ministry into schools, universities, prisons and hospitals in 2021.
  • Decisions required to be made on International Scripture Blitzes amidst global travel restrictions. Pray that we may find a way to redeem the time for them.
  • We will gain a bigger vision of who God is and what He has called us to.
    For those facing problems in their families of any kind – relational, financial, loneliness or any heartache.
  • There will be steady flow of funds to cover the printing and shipping of Bibles and New Testaments around the world.
  • More locations, communities, and countries allow the distribution of God’s Word.
  • Many individuals and families will be saved through reading Gideon-placed Bibles and New Testaments.

Praise God:

  • For sending His only Son who purchased our salvation by shedding His blood on the cross.
  • For recent distributions of Scriptures in Cape York, northwest Queensland, Northern Territory and Darwin.
  • For funds provided.
  • Who makes all grace overflow to us and gives us all sufficiency in all things at all times so we may abound in His good work.


Becoming a Prayer Friend of Gideons allows you to share in the ministry by hearing testimonies on a regular basis of God working through the Gideons, by praying for the work of the ministry, locally and further afield, and occasionally meeting with local Gideons for special events. 

Join us as a Prayer Friend and you’ll receive:

Friends newsletter by email

You can see how your prayers are making a difference as you read our Gideon News for the latest testimonies and stories from recent Scripture distributions.

Prayer calendars

With these international and national calendars, you will be joining hundreds of thousands of our Friends and members praying for our Association’s specific needs throughout the world. The easy-to-follow Daily Bible Calendar at the end of the international calendar features a reading plan to keep you in God’s Word every day of the year.

Invitations to events

You will have the opportunity to meet our members and Friends in your community as Gideons invite you to local events as our special guest.